So I’ve put away the twinkle and glitter of the Christmas season and have jumped on the band wagon of New Year’s Resolution setting, which incidentally seems highly inappropriate for one of the coldest and darkest months of the year.  Anyway, one of my promises this year – the year of the Dog is to be ‘out there’, to speak from my heart, to communicate more and to host the charity’s Blog on a regular basis.

Here we go then………

This weekend the Express published a story about childhood stroke; .  The article featuring Connor Lynes who suffered a stroke when he was 12 (now 16), he explains how his life has been affected and how getting a diagnosis was difficult.   Each year the Child Brain Injury Trust supports families who have been through a similar situation.  They too, find themselves in the middle of a situation they never thought would happen and as there isn’t a great deal of information and support out there, they have felt quite isolated and alone.   Our conference on the 6th March – Lets Get Connected  will bring together expert speakers who have experienced brain injury and or work in the field providing rehabilitation, therapies  and or medical support.

Brain Injury, as I’ve said before is often hidden and not talked about especially if you are a child or young person growing up. Its all too easy to ignore unless it’s completely apparent that something is wrong.  Brain injury in children and the affect it has on the whole family is not only hidden, but is also not heard about enough and so those who could do something often do nothing through no fault of their own too.  We need to make more noise and get the message out there that when brain injury happens there are ongoing needs and issues which last a life time.

Come on let’s make the noise…………..

If you would like support or if you would like to know more about what we do, please contact me.


Obviously when a stroke strikes it is important to follow NHS choices guidance and to get to hospital as soon as possible no matter what age you are.

Useful information: