Childhood brain injury has negative consequences for children of all ages. Even mild and moderate head injury can result in impairment for school-age children and adolescents. One significant issue is memory loss, and this not only causes issues with new learning, but also in everyday family life.

Each year during Action for Brain Injury Week the Child Brain Injury Trust focuses on an important issue to highlight the plight that families affected by childhood acquired brain injury have to live with.  We use the week to raise awareness of the issues and to celebrate the achievements of families who find themselves in this difficult and life changing situation.

Throughout the last six months whilst the whole of the UK experienced some level ‘lock down’, issues relating to memory and structure has heightened anxiety levels for families. The lack of routine and contact with friends has been difficult for children to adapt to and families have had to cope with lots of additional schoolwork and activities in their homes.  In some cases, the lack of structure and routine has caused added chaos and distraction to family life, which was difficult before the ‘lock-down’, but this added stress has meant that life following brain injury has been even harder.

This year we have aligned ourselves with Headway UK and are focusing on Memory Loss after ABI. We have asked parents to share with us their experiences, struggles, strategies and solutions for coping with memory loss.

Each day throughout Action for Brain Injury week we will be sharing different tips, ideas and helpful resources on our social media platforms. We will be sharing tips on how to be creative to trigger memory and to bring to life important past events. We will be sharing ‘family tips’ and family stories.

Please share our content and join us throughout the week.

#ABIWeek #memoryABIweek

Lisa Turan

Chief Executive