Robbie Wilson, Anderson Strathern

The return home from hospital can be an important and happy time but also a daunting change for a child and their family. Moving from a fully equipped environment with professional 24-hour care to one without such extensive equipment and support can be a tough and stressful transition.

There can be numerous factors to consider, such as home access, which may now prove challenging. Equipment might be needed around the house to help with what were previously straightforward activities, such as getting upstairs or showering. Different methods of transport may be required including specialised custom vehicles.

It’s prudent to be as prepared as possible for these new needs and the general transition. One very useful way to prepare is to instruct an Initial Needs Assessment Report. This detailed report looks at the injured child’s symptoms, needs and the impact their injuries are likely to have on everyday life. This includes a review of the physical and psychological impact of the injury. The report also looks at things like any medication being taken and considers the child’s strength and mobility such as their ability to bend, sit and lift. The report takes this information and weighs up the likely level of care required, how long this care might be needed and the cost.

Of course, this report itself comes with a cost but paying for this kind of report and putting the recommendations in place before the transition home can be funded as part of a compensation claim. In cases where liability has been admitted it’s possible to seek an interim payment of damages to pay for making the changes needed. This means any immediate needs can be addressed allowing the transition home to be as supportive and straightforward as possible. Following that, a full assessment can then take place so that the total amount of compensation due can be negotiated and paid out.

Anderson Strathern are experts in this field and we’ve got extensive experience with negotiating interim payments just like this on behalf of our clients. We also work closely with organisations that provide Initial Needs Assessment Reports and those who can then make the changes needed to support the transition home. We can offer advice both in terms of negotiating the interim payment of damages and also in instructing an immediate needs report. We aim to help as much as we possibly can with a quick and safe return home, minimising the stress for all concerned.

Robbie is a lawyer at Anderson Strathern, our legal support service provider in Scotland. If you’d like to know more about them and their work you can contact Robbie on: or 0131 270 7941.